Frequently Asked Questions!
What time is check-in? What time is check-out?
Check-in time is 3:30 PM
Check-out time is 1:30 PM
Cabin check-out time is 12:00 PM
What are the site limits for people, vehicles, and tents?
2 vehicles are allowed per most campsite(s).  Additional nightly fee applies for 2nd vehicle.
No vehicles are allowed with a hiker-biker site reservation.
Motorcycles, cargo trailers, and boat trailers are considered extra vehicles.
1 RV is allowed per permitted campsite. An RV is defined as a motor home, motor coach, travel trailer, truck camper, or other self contained vehicle used for camping that has exterior hook-ups for power, water, or sewer.
RV site = 8 people. 1 RV per site. 1 tent and 1 extra vehicle may be added with nightly fee.
BLUE tent site = 10 people. 1 tent & 1 vehicle. 1 RV may be used if RV fits in site driveway.  2 extra tents & 1 extra vehicle may be added with nightly fee.
BROWN tent site = 6 people. 1 tent & 1 vehicle.  No RVs. 1 extra tent & 1 extra vehicle may be added with nightly fee.
HIKER-BIKER (GREEN) tent site = 1 person. 1 tent. 0 vehicles. 2nd person may be added with nightly fee.
CABINS = 6 people 1 vehicle. No RVs in cabin parking area. No tents. 1 extra vehicle may be added with nightly fee.
MOBILE MINI CABINS = 3 people inside cabin, up to 5 people inside tent on site 1 tent & 1 vehicle.  1 extra vehicle may be added with nightly fee.
What is an RV?
An RV is any self-contained recreational vehicle.
RV sites can accommodate one of the following combinations:  1 RV and tow vehicle, 1 truck and trailer, 1 car and small camper, 1 vehicle and pop-up tent trailer, 1 truck with overhead cab camper, 1 conversion van with tow vehicle, 1 vehicle with converted utility trailer, 1 street-legal homemade RV and tow vehicle, 1 converted bus and tow vehicle, 1 semi, 1 truck with self-contained boat on trailer, 1 converted military vehicle and tow vehicle, or any other vehicle that is self-contained that can plug into at least 2 hookup.
Are dogs allowed?
Yes!  We LOVE dogs!  Dogs must be kept on a 6-foot leash and be under physical control at all times.  Dogs may not be left unattended at any time.
What is Hiker-Biker camping?
Hiker-Biker camping refers to sites that are created and held for use by those traveling via people-power.  If you are hiking the Oregon Coast Trail, biking the Oregon Coast Bike Route, running, skateboarding, or otherwise traveling without a vehicle, you may reserve one of our Hiker-Biker campsites.  Pets are permitted (with fee). Hiker-Biker campsites are limitied to 1 person and 1 tent, a 2nd person may be added (with fee).
What if I arrive late for my reservation?
If you arrive late and staff have left or turned in for the evening, please proceed to your site and check in the following day.
How do I make or cancel a reservation?
The easiest way for you to make your reservation is online at  If you wish to speak with staff, call (503) 322-3522.  If staff are unable to answer your call, be sure to leave a message.
You may cancel your reservation anytime online, or, you may call (503) 322-3522 to speak with staff.  If staff are unable to answer your call, please leave a detailed message and they will return your call as soon as they are able to do so.
I need to book more than one site. What do I do?
You may not hold any more than one site in your name at any one time.  The easiest way to book multiple sites is to have each person who needs a site make their own reservation. 
What is the cancellation policy?
Campers must cancel their reservation more than three (3) days prior to arrival in order to receve a refund of all use fees minus the non-refundable transaction fee of $11.00.
Campers who cancel three (3) days or less prior to arrival, a fee equal to one overnight rental fee will be forfeited in addition to the non-refundable transaction fee of $11.00.
In order to receive a refund of all use fees, minus the non-refundable transaction fee, a person must cancel the reservation for individual campsites, cabins, yurts, or other facilities three (3) or more days prior to the arrival date.
Who can make a reservation?
You must be at least 18 years of age to make a reservation.  The registered camper is directly responsible for the activities of everyone at the site, as well as financially responsible for any damages that occur.
How long can I stay in a campground?
You may camp at a TCPD campground for 14 days in any 28 day period.  This limit pertains to all six county campgrounds and is in effect system-wide.  You must leave the TCPD system completely once you have reached your camping limit.  After that time, you may make another reservation.  
This limit pertains to brown tent sites, blue tent sites, hiker-biker campsites, group campsites, and RV campsites.
The minimum number of nights you may stay in a cabin is 2 nights, the maximum number of nights you can stay in a cabin is 14 nights.
Are fires permitted?
Campfires are allowed in our campsites within County fire rings only.  Portable fire pits are not permitted.  Portable, propane-powered tabletop cookstoves are allowed.
Beach fires are regulated by Oregon State Parks and are allowed only within dry sand at least 50 feet from any grass and driftwood.
Any fire restrictions or bans may be announced suddenly if favorable conditions exist. Campfire bans will be announced on our Website or our Facebook page.  
Can I bring firewood from home?
Please help us protect the Oregon Coast and the Pacific Northwest from invasive species by purchasing your firewood close to your destination location or at the campground you are visiting.  For more information, visit
Do showers cost?
Yes. The cost will come out of your camping fee when you make reservations. 
Tillamook County Parks have converted showers to timer based instead of coin operated. 
What are the rules about noise?
Campground quiet hours are 10 PM - 7 AM.
Can I use fireworks?
Can I use an off-road vehicle inside the campgrounds?
The use of any unregistered off-road vehicles is prohibited inside any Tillamook County Parks campground.  This includes, dirtbikes, quads, side-by-sides, golf carts, or any other unregistered motorized vehicle.
Who do I talk to when I have a problem or a question?
We have many park hosts available to you during your stay.  Should you have a question, or should an issue arise during your stay, please see our park hosts.  If you experience an emergency, please dial 911.
What is day use? Can I park overnight?
Day use hours at all boat launches and day use areas are from 8 AM to 10 PM.
Day use hours at all campground locations are from 8 AM to 8 PM.  
Camping is allowed with valid reservations in campgrounds only.
Are campsites considered day use areas?
You must have a valid reservation to use a campsite. 
I want to visit for the day. Do I need to pay to park? How do I pay?
You will have to pay $10.00 to park your vehicle at most Tillamook County Parks Department or Pacific City Parking Management facilities during day use hours. 
Day use hours are from 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM at boat launches and day use areas not associated with a campground. 
Day use hours are from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM at Barview Jetty, Kilchis River, Trask River, Webb, Whalen Island, and Woods County Campgrounds. 
Depending on the facility, you will have the option to pay with cash or credit card.  Signage and instructions are located at each facility.
The following day-use parking areas accept credit card payments only:
Cape Kiwanda Recreation Area
Pacific City Turnaround
Barview Jetty County Campground
Bayocean Peninsula
I'm visiting for the day. Do I have to pay a parking fee at each location?
No.  Your single-day Day Use Access Pass allows unlimited day use parking at any Tillamook County Parks Department or Pacific City Parking Management facility for that one day.
I'm currently camping! Do I need to purchase a parking pass?
If you are currently camping with us and have a valid campground window tag, your camping tag acts as a parking pass.  Be sure to display it prominently while parked at any Tillamook County Parks Department or Pacific City Parking Management Facility.
Where can I purchase an Annual Day Use Access Pass?
You can purchase your Annual Day Use Access Pass online at, or over the phone at (503) 322-3522.
Where can I use my Annual Day Use Access Pass?
Your Annual Day Use Access Pass allows for day use parking for one (1) vehicle at any Tillamook County Parks or Pacific City Parking Management facility. 
How long is my Annual Day Use Access Parking Pass valid?
 Annual Day Use Parking Passes are now good for up to one year from purchase month. 
Can I use my Annual Day Use Access Parking Pass in other vehicles?
No! Tillamook County Parks Department Annual Day Use Access Passes are non-transferable. Passes have been updated from a paper pass to a 5 x 5 window sticker. You can purchase a second pass for $25.00. 
I lost my Annual Day Use Access Parking Pass! Can I get another?
No.  Tillamook County Parks Annual Day Use Access Passes are not replaceable if lost or stolen.  If you want another pass you will have to pay the fee again.